Wine Tasting!

Wine Tasting!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Loving the Fall!!!

So happy it's the fall. I love the fall more than any other season!!
The crisp air, the pumpkins and the weather cooling down. We have had
such a rough summer this year with the heat. It's nice to finally put a
sweatshirt on and feel comfortable! A lot has happened since my last post!!! Grace is CRAWLING!!! She started on October 14th, one day before her 9 month old birthday. It was my dad's birthday!!! She was spending the afternoon with my dad while i was still at work and my mom was at the movies, so Ryan decided to pick up Grace that day. Ryan and my dad were in the backyard chatting while Grace was sitting on the deck. My dad has this fake squrriel that he always trys to get Grace to crawl to...well today was the Ryan and my dad were talking she just took off!!! She wanted that squirrel!!!! I was so excited and couldnt wait for her to do it for me. As soon as i get home we did some practicing, but NOTHING. Every day we tried for an entire week and she just wouldnt do it. Finally on friday she just took off and she's non stop ever since. How exciting, i can't believe she's CRAWLING. It's exciting...but now the real work begins, no more plopping her down anywhere, she just takes off!!! She's also started to pull herself up to a standiing position, my little lady is growing up so fast!!!! I have been trying to up load a video of her crawling for 2 days. So as soon as i can get it to work i will post it:))

Since the fall has arrived we have made a couple trips to the fall festivities. We took a trip to pumpkin town. How Crazy is that place. We went the Sunday before Coloumbus day and it was INSANE the amount of people there. It was super cute though and we had a great time. Took a couple pictures of Grace with some pumpkins!! It was too cute....we of course enjoyed some roasted corn..How could we not...I LOVE roasted corn. It's super delish!!!

so excited to see some pumpkins!

Grace and mommy pumpkin picking

A  littel pumpkin onzie and some could i resist!!!

everything goes right into the mouth these days!!!

I do have some other very exciting news to report of.....My sister-in-law Janine is pregnant. Sooo excited for grace to have some more cousins. Yes i wrote cousins, beacause she is having TWINS!!! We are so excited for them!!! I can't even imagen having twins...the begning must be extremly rough...but super fun!!! She is due April 8th!!! Soo many babies this winter and spring, Grace will have so many friends :)

I also had a very nice visit from my good friend Missy from TN, well she use to live here and we went to high school together....she moved to TN and is also having a baby due in February. She is also having a girl...Ellie Rose Elrod. Such a cute name!!! It was so nice to see her and catch up :) That's about all the excitment in the past month or so. Really looking forward to Halloween. Grace won't really understand the excitment and can't really eat any candy, but it sure is a great opputunity for some photos. Anyone that knows me knows how much i love taking them :)

There is one more thing Grace has started to eat real food. No more baby food (well still some) but we have given her peaches, pears, bananna, sweet potato, butternut's been so much fun :) She loves being able to pick everything up on her own and eat it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


We have offically taken our first family vacation! It was so much fun! Grace did amazing on the flights and slept most of the way! She was soo good! We went to the Denver Zoo, walked around the 16th Street mall and ATE! We ate out a lot. It was so nice to go to some of the places we missed so much from when we lived there! We both love mexican and they have some really delish mexican places we went to!

Sound asleep on the first flight!!!

Grace having a bath with her future husband Colton!! He's so cute~!~! He's 6 months older than Grace and this will be thier 1st picture of their slideshow when they get married!

Grace...Colton...and Blake...these are her favorite people from Colorado.The little boy in the middle is my friend Michelle's son Blake, he's absolutly adorable and was sooo good to Grace.

Grace and Mommy at the Zoo

Daddy and Grace at the Zoo

Grace took her very 1st carosel ride! She loved every second of it!

Grace and her first teething cookie. Im such a nervous wreck when it comes to giving her real food. Im so affraid she's going to choke. She did really well with these!

Daddy and Grace gearing up for the Ohio State Game

Pumpkin time!

We tried

all smiles on the way home


We finally gave Grace some puffs to try! People all around us were giving thier babies at this age i decided to do it..i know it sounds like such a small step, but it made me sooo nervous! She did GREAT with them...she LOVES them
 These next pictures are taken by a photographer in Colorado that i use to work for when we lived in Colorado. She did such an amazing job! I love every single one of them!

We had such a great time in Colorado. It was so nice to catch up with people we havnt seen or talked to in years. We really do miss it out there and think about how different our lives would be if we moved back there. We just wouldnt want to be so far away from our familes and our great friends in NY. We will just keep making visits out there and hopefully one day be able to purchase a 2nd home out there!!!!
Just before we left for Colorado we found out about 2 very good friends of ours are expecting!!! We are so excited for them. Pete and Nicole Grimes. They were both in our wedding and we couldnt be more happy for them! Im pretty set on them having a boy!! They are due May 12th. We can't wait for Grace to have a little friend. We also found out about a friend of mine who's expecting in February is having a little GIRL!!! YAYAYAYA we love little girls. She lives in Tennasse and we can't wait to visit her when she's born!! Grace needs some girlfriends. Most of her friends in East Hampton are boys... :)
That was the excitment for this month!!! We have nothing too exciting going on for the next couple months. With the exception of all the holidays..Halloween...thanksgiving and Christmas. How much fun will that be this year. I have also started my offical countdown to the cruise!!! Exactly 3 months from Saturday, which also means i have 3 months to lose 30 more lbs!!! I have lost 54 since having Grace, since I gained 60 and i was 30 over weight i have a ways to go!!!I will get there!!!

I know this blog was loaded with a ton of pictures but i do have one more that's too funny not to share!
The sunday before we left for Colorado we went on my friend Nicole's boat to the maritime festivel in Greenport! We had such a good time and Grace was too funny with her life jacket. It was her first time on a boat and she was really good, until the life jacket had to come on!!hahaha too funny!