Wine Tasting!

Wine Tasting!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun Weekend!

I really have nothing too exciting to write...just to share some new pictures! We went to the Fish Farm in Amagansett for Grandparents day. It's basically a fish farm...that smells..has fish tanks all over and has a goose pen right where you eat. However the food is FANTASTCI!!! It's sooo good!!!
This is the fish farm...hahaha i know a little scary looking!!!

Here's Grace with my crazy DAd...haha..and my mom...Happy Grandparents Day!

Grace with Grandma Balnis

This is Grace's new poop face. It's absolutly HILARIOUS!!! She just started it that day and kept doing it! Probably becasue we were all laughing so hard!

Just another poop face...hahahahahah it was sooo funny!

Grace and My mom!!!! She's so good to us!

We had the Ohio State Game last Saturday, so I had to post some fun pictures of Grace wearing her super cute cheerleading outfit!

Grace's 1st cheer leading outfit

Grace and her cousin Abbey!!! Both sporting the Ohio State cheerleading!!

Grace and her cousin Avery!

Grace and her Daddy and her Crazy Uncles. She's kinda looking a bit like a little boy here!!! We had to continue the evening wearing Ohio State though!!!

Nothing else too exciting to report!!! Happy it's Friday and looking forward to the week ending! We are headed to Colorado on September 28th to visit some AMAZING friends. We can't WAIT to see everyone and introduce Grace to some of our friends! As the weeks go by faster and faster i'm getting more and more excited for all the babies coming into our lives really soon. Grace will have a new cousin arriving very soon!!! He's due in November and we can't wait to meet him!!! Hopefully he will be in the same class as Grace!! Another really good friend of mine is having TWINS!!! She's due the end of November and we are sooo exciting to meet her two little bundles!!! That's about all the excitment for today's post!!! Loving this fall weather and can't wait to bring Grace to get her 1st pumpkin~!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Getting Started!

So I decided to start this blog after reading Missy's and stalking her friends blogs in TN!!! I don't know that I will be as good as everyone else with up dating as much, but I will do my best! Since everyone pretty much know's my past i will just pick up with right now!!!! Grace is 8 months on September 15th!!!I truly can't BELIEVE it. I know people say time goes by quickly when you have a baby but I NEVER EVER thought this quickly. Things are going great! It's a little tough having to work 4 days a week and 2 nights a week, and it's getting harder and harder as Grace is getting older. I want to stay home and play with her all the time! It's amazing having my mom watching her though. She updates me all day long with when she's napping and popping and so on!!!! Ryan has been working non-stop which makes things a little rough also. He's working full time for the police department and when he's not working there he's working for Keith Grimes INC. Thats the life in East Hampton!!! Hopefully as he gets higher and higher in the police department things will get easier and easier!!! This weekend starts the Ohio State footballs games and my saturdays will be consumed with dressing Grace up in her Ohio State cheerleading olfit and watching the games. Well watching hardly, more like the guys staring at the TV...and the girls chatting it up the entire time!!!!  But it's fun and gives Grace a chance to see her cousins, since it's Ryan's entire family that's obsessed with Ohio State! Sunday is Grandparents anyone that has parents that are good to thier babies...SPOIL THEM...if everyone's parents are as good grandparents as my mom & dad and mother in law they deserve it!